
In the age of AI film

While watching the film "In the Age of AI" from Frontline, along with the FUTURAMA I began to ask myself "have we gone too far?" AI whether you like it or not is already within your daily battles. We use it when driving to work with our blind spot assist, constantly with SIRI or other AI problem solvers and massively at bigger corporations. See many people don't realize that AI is already within their current life making it so much easier. Personally making so I don't feel as though more is needed, but less. These technologies slowly strip away what it means to be human.... and are starting to become human.  Within the first ten minutes of the provided film something extremely interesting happens. In Asian culture a huge game is "Go." It is known to be the hardest board game because of its infinite possibilities when playing. The world champion (Lee Sedol) along with his whole nation is set to defeat the AI made from Google. At one point before the

Internet Privacy

 I had never been very trusting of our politicians, and high up officials in organizations like the C.I.A. The videos provided to us give me even more reason to not. Some of the finding are down right scary, and leads me to overthink even more about all the activity we still have no clue about.  The first video that really caught my eye was Christopher Soghhoian's. Chris starts off the speech with a bang telling an showing the audience that we the people have been getting wired tap since the start. He then goes on to say how our phones and phone companies were set up for spying first. This is extremely scary because it begs the question of when did it all really start. As well with could phones just have been invented for surveillance? Chris later goes onto explain if it really is a good idea to carry a object that is constantly gaining more information on your person. To this I would say that whoever wants this continued watch to happen knows that they have to make phones irreplac

EOTO #2 reaction

 Within today's class we were given the opportunity to learn about some very interesting concepts and ideas. Group one's terminology really got to me though. This group was assigned with propaganda, disinformation,  Smith-Mundt Act, t otal information awareness, f alse flag and  Five Eyes. I enjoyed this groups so much because the cohesion was seamless. All of these concepts work together for an even bigger picture if one can see it.  The Five Eyes is an intelligence agency that comprises of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Instantly when this was said in class shivers went down my spine. I pride myself on somewhat knowing whats going on in the world, and it was weird to hear of an agency that I had never heard of. Well apparently our government didn't want the public knowing either. This initiative started in the 50s, and did not become publicly known until 2012!  The government numerous times fed the people propaganda and disinfor

EOTO citizens journalism

 Through this class I have been given the task of researching "citizens journalism," yet what is this? Well The Oxford Dictionary describes it as " The collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the internet.” Before this class I never knew that this type of news has a name. I have been using citizens journalism for years, yet just thought it was me doing personal research. This is the future I believe though. Too many stations are too biased, and have constant scandals going on making them more and more unappetizing for the general public. This fresh style of news is still biased as everything is yet this news is the future. People can now open up Instagram or Twitter and see actual videos of the scene of the crime. This also makes it so news stations can no longer have entire control over the agenda at play. Lets make this clear and known. Kyle Rittenhouse would not be free today if it were not for ci

Anti war

 While perusing the provided sites from Dr. Smith one can immediately see the hate for war within these two websites, and justifiably so. One article that caught my eye from "The American Conservative" the bold headline "Making Another ISIS," really got me to think. The article goes on to explain how when the US occupies anywhere within the Middle East extremist groups tend to rise up. I believe America needs to stop trying to police the world, many countries are happy, and would rather not have the American military come into power. Many times when this happens and then the Americans leave creating a power vacuum quickly filled by terrible people.  Both of the websites that were provided seem very professional, and well established communities. This made it weird to myself that I have not even seen wither of them. I have the same ideals it seems, and everyone knows our phones are listening and then pushing what we want on ads. So I thought I would see something lik

Blog post number 9

Today in class we have been talking about industry pioneers, along with the total universe of potential adoption. The prime example to do would be the Apple Iphone. This was a revolutionary technology for the changing phone market. The first ones were revolutionizing the phone industry because it had a touch screen and camera. This is why the phone first started to catch on, and introduced the pioneers and early adopters. The phone furthered technological advancements by making it slimmer, and sleeker while making it faster. This is when the early majority has really shown. People in this time were trying to figure out if they wanted their phone to be able to do all these seemingly unnecessary tasks. Starting the transition into the majority when Apple really started to take initiative. The company added a face scanner, wireless charging and many other features to finally get a hold of late majority and laggards.  I believe the pioneers and early adopters caught onto this product becau

New Tech

 Through out the many presentations I was able to listen to, one stood out to me the most. This would be Dante Hammod's presentation on the typewriter. First the class was able to see what the first typewriter looked like, and how they functioned. They were huge to start, and were very slow compared to the modern typewriter, the computer. Yes the typewriter was a predecessor to the computer, and influenced the need to be able to continue typing. These early machines were only for the educated, or students because of the rare amount of them. The people who would use the typewriters would be called typist, and could be considered a profession! These machines were revolutionary, and made communication even easier and faster. People now could send printed notes, or make paperwork easier to see when typed out. Overall this machine was able to help the entire world because it made a want to further the typing technology. Now since that technology has blossomed I am able to write this on