In the age of AI film

While watching the film "In the Age of AI" from Frontline, along with the FUTURAMA I began to ask myself "have we gone too far?" AI whether you like it or not is already within your daily battles. We use it when driving to work with our blind spot assist, constantly with SIRI or other AI problem solvers and massively at bigger corporations. See many people don't realize that AI is already within their current life making it so much easier. Personally making so I don't feel as though more is needed, but less. These technologies slowly strip away what it means to be human.... and are starting to become human. 

Within the first ten minutes of the provided film something extremely interesting happens. In Asian culture a huge game is "Go." It is known to be the hardest board game because of its infinite possibilities when playing. The world champion (Lee Sedol) along with his whole nation is set to defeat the AI made from Google. At one point before the match Lee says "I believe human intuition is still too advanced for the AI to have caught up," and oh boy was he wrong. Move 37 will be known by GO players all around the world now because of how out there it was. Commentators, spectators and even Lee himself all thought the robot made a mistake, yet it was with that piece that the AI out thought, and out played a human. For me instantly this was scary. The game GO was made by an emperor for his son to learn discipline and strategy. Humankind has had thousands of years to learn the best strategies, and tactics yet got taken down with something we have never seen before. If AI can out think us this easily why keep pushing so hard. It literally proves that AI can think for itself, now this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but needs to be proceeded with extreme caution. Humans are not exactly amazing to Earth. 

From the FUTURAMA video there was one clear and concise message that I received, and that being that we rely on technology too much. We have become out of touch with society, and even ourselves because of how in our faces and pushed it is. Believe me technology is good and makes life easier I just wish we could pick a time to stop. Back when this video was made there was for sure no stopping point, talking about Atlantis resorts, and shipping lines under the ocean. It almost seemed as though they were waiting on for technology to bail them out from the waste management issue along with impending resource deduction. For myself I always think about like the Egyptians. These people were able to make massive structures, irrigate, write and many other modern technologies with zero waste. In my mind times like this could be so much simpler, and actually healthier for humans. Kids weren't going online seeing and comparing themselves, and people had less to worry about. Technology overall has been good for communication and medicine, but that's where I see it stopping being necessary. All of these technologies push us further away from what makes us human. If we completely lose our humanity it wont matter about AI or technology in general because there will no point for humans to want to dredge on. 

Another point where many scholars and notable people within the industry said that AI will have surpassed where it needs to be when it can creatively think or problem solve. One major advocate for the stopping of AI has been Elon Musk. This might come as a surprise, yet Musk has always had negative things to say about AI. He most recently stated "mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes."(Elon Musk :Mark my Words: CNBC) Elon goes onto say many other things about AI, yet I don't understand how people don't take his advice more seriously. Musk even brings up the AI that beat Lee Sedol in GO, and how remarkable it is that a robot is fully thinking for itself. 


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