Internet Privacy

 I had never been very trusting of our politicians, and high up officials in organizations like the C.I.A. The videos provided to us give me even more reason to not. Some of the finding are down right scary, and leads me to overthink even more about all the activity we still have no clue about. 

The first video that really caught my eye was Christopher Soghhoian's. Chris starts off the speech with a bang telling an showing the audience that we the people have been getting wired tap since the start. He then goes on to say how our phones and phone companies were set up for spying first. This is extremely scary because it begs the question of when did it all really start. As well with could phones just have been invented for surveillance? Chris later goes onto explain if it really is a good idea to carry a object that is constantly gaining more information on your person. To this I would say that whoever wants this continued watch to happen knows that they have to make phones irreplaceable by people, and at this point society is already there. 

Before these videos I knew the government knew my likes and dislikes, along with all my conversations yet these videos taught me we know barely anything. The video that really shocked me was Catherine Crump's. She goes onto to talk about how even our local police are overstepping there bounds on a daily basis. The police take a photo of every car that goes past them which at first doesnt seem scary, but when taking a few steps back one can see how dangerous this is. All of a sudden then police know if you go to therapy, AA, living status and many other intrusive areas. The police can then show biased behaviors because of a pre-assembled file.  The statement  always gets brought up of "who cares I got nothing to hide," yet this inst the point. The idea is that our government lied to us, and not even that over stepped there boundaries to make it seem as though everyone needs a background check. I dont think I will ever be capable of fully trusting the American government, but as a citizen it is my job to question and demand better.


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