New Tech

 Through out the many presentations I was able to listen to, one stood out to me the most. This would be Dante Hammod's presentation on the typewriter. First the class was able to see what the first typewriter looked like, and how they functioned. They were huge to start, and were very slow compared to the modern typewriter, the computer. Yes the typewriter was a predecessor to the computer, and influenced the need to be able to continue typing. These early machines were only for the educated, or students because of the rare amount of them. The people who would use the typewriters would be called typist, and could be considered a profession! These machines were revolutionary, and made communication even easier and faster. People now could send printed notes, or make paperwork easier to see when typed out. Overall this machine was able to help the entire world because it made a want to further the typing technology. Now since that technology has blossomed I am able to write this on my computer. 

This is an example of an early typewriter, and can be seen how much the technology has come.


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