Supreme Court

Supreme Court

After our class lecture along with watching the attached videos I realized that I knew almost nothing of what the Supreme Court actually does and what its there for. The Supreme Court is made up of only nine justices that can hear cases from all the way to a prisoner trying to reopen his case or a President trying to defend his rights. These justices are appointed by the President, and then have to be voted on by the Senate. Shockingly these men and women are not required to study law or even have a PHD. The Supreme Courts job is check and balance local and federal government along with even the President. They do this by referring and interpreting to the age old Constitution.  

Another aspect that I found to be very surprising was how these justices go over cases, and just how many they really have to go through. Literally anyone can send their case in if they feel as though a lower court made the wrong decision. That means these justices are dealing with thousands of cases every year. 7,000 to be exact, that's crazy! What also surprised me about this exactly how they go over the cases. Each justice only goes over a certain number of cases every week and only review them once. This list then gets whittled down to about one hundred that they use and actually bring to court. 

After watching this video I have gained more of a respect for these justices, and further my knowledge of the actual importance of them. These men an women do not turn away a single case they will at least review everyone, and that alone earns my respect. Yet they do more they uphold and remind the US population of our Constitution, and our founding values. Some of these have been revised it or added over the years as they should, but the Supreme Court defends everyone that applies. 


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