EOTO #2 reaction

 Within today's class we were given the opportunity to learn about some very interesting concepts and ideas. Group one's terminology really got to me though. This group was assigned with propaganda, disinformation, Smith-Mundt Act, total information awareness, false flag and Five Eyes. I enjoyed this groups so much because the cohesion was seamless. All of these concepts work together for an even bigger picture if one can see it. 

The Five Eyes is an intelligence agency that comprises of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. Instantly when this was said in class shivers went down my spine. I pride myself on somewhat knowing whats going on in the world, and it was weird to hear of an agency that I had never heard of. Well apparently our government didn't want the public knowing either. This initiative started in the 50s, and did not become publicly known until 2012! 

The government numerous times fed the people propaganda and disinformation to try and push a certain agenda. The Five Eyes is a prime example of disinformation where people questioned its existence so the government fed lies to the people. These two deception tools are typically used during wartime, but can be utilized all the time.



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