Anti war

 While perusing the provided sites from Dr. Smith one can immediately see the hate for war within these two websites, and justifiably so. One article that caught my eye from "The American Conservative" the bold headline "Making Another ISIS," really got me to think. The article goes on to explain how when the US occupies anywhere within the Middle East extremist groups tend to rise up. I believe America needs to stop trying to police the world, many countries are happy, and would rather not have the American military come into power. Many times when this happens and then the Americans leave creating a power vacuum quickly filled by terrible people. 

Both of the websites that were provided seem very professional, and well established communities. This made it weird to myself that I have not even seen wither of them. I have the same ideals it seems, and everyone knows our phones are listening and then pushing what we want on ads. So I thought I would see something like this at some point, but never had. This is most likely because of our government. There are many blockers and ways the government pushes down information until its lost in a sea of it. This is sad, yet sadder that the majority of the public has no clue to how little the US government cares about their people. Not all but many politicians are self serving, and probably found ways to profit from the war and in turn wanting antiwar voices to be shut down. This is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment, yet it seems to happen all the time with Twitter or any social media. 


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