EOTO citizens journalism

 Through this class I have been given the task of researching "citizens journalism," yet what is this? Well The Oxford Dictionary describes it as "The collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the internet.” Before this class I never knew that this type of news has a name. I have been using citizens journalism for years, yet just thought it was me doing personal research. This is the future I believe though. Too many stations are too biased, and have constant scandals going on making them more and more unappetizing for the general public. This fresh style of news is still biased as everything is yet this news is the future. People can now open up Instagram or Twitter and see actual videos of the scene of the crime. This also makes it so news stations can no longer have entire control over the agenda at play.

Lets make this clear and known. Kyle Rittenhouse would not be free today if it were not for citizens journalism. While shots are being fired and everyone is running few stay behind to record the mayhem. With these recordings came Kyle's truth though and set him free. He did only act in self defense, and when a gun was pointed at him he decided to not see if the other would shoot first. The MSM immediately came after him though, trying to make this into a racial issue, or anything that could get him behind bars. This is exactly why this type of journalism is legit and reliable. Its millions of people daily even if they dont know about it, yet all these people can prove big companies wrong when working together.

The only problem with this style of news is the trustworthiness, yet all of the stations above you have the exact same problem. So how does one determine if this source is good or trustworthy. Personally its been years on pages trying to get a feel for the author, and doing outside research. Fact checking is extremely important. This should be done to all the news people consume. Hearing from different angles and then making a decision based on everything you have gathered. No longer are people just taking CNN or FOX's word, they are going to numerous news stations along with social media platforms to ensure they get all the information. This will continue to change the world because of how much information can come through this type of media.


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