
Showing posts from November, 2021

Carrier Pigeon

 Many people have heard of the infamous carrier pigeon, but today I will be teaching anyone reading this about them. In short the carrier pigeon is a bird meant to take notes and messages to other places for easy and quick communication. This also enabled the communication between the two to be totally hidden.  The carrier pigeon or homing pigeon dates all the way back to Julius Caesar, and thats really where it gets the start. Caesar receives news from the carrier pigeon stating that the Romans had won. For the next thousands of years the world can see the homing pigeon, and how well it connected people especially militarily. Even Genghis Khan used these pigeons. His empire was so massive he set up pigeon relay posts all through Europe and Asia. Yet the homing pigeon really earned their wings in 1870, at the siege of Paris. As the French are stuck trying to wait out the siege they were also able to call for reinforcements with hundreds of pigeons being sent out. These pigeons through

Eight values of free expression

 Prior to taking Media Law and Literacy I had never even heard of the "eight values of free expression."Yet this class has taught me them all, and I am glad to have learned them. Today I will be explaining the four values that I find to be the most important, these being  (Discover of Truth), (Promote Tolerance), (Check on Governmental Power), and (Protect Dissent). I will start off with the discovery of truth, this is important to me because I would much rather have bad news than be lied to. I believe trust and integrity are two of the most important things. This was first brought to attention by John Milton. He said "when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple truth will win out." This resonated with myself because I honestly believe it and know its true.  Promoting tolerance can mean a plethora of ideologies, yet the two that stuck with me were the fact that its trying to protect history. This really means that hate speech is protected under the first

Supreme Court

Supreme Court After our class lecture along with watching the attached videos I realized that I knew almost nothing of what the Supreme Court actually does and what its there for. The Supreme Court is made up of only nine justices that can hear cases from all the way to a prisoner trying to reopen his case or a President trying to defend his rights. These justices are appointed by the President, and then have to be voted on by the Senate. Shockingly these men and women are not required to study law or even have a PHD. The Supreme Courts job is check and balance local and federal government along with even the President. They do this by referring and interpreting to the age old Constitution.   Another aspect that I found to be very surprising was how these justices go over cases, and just how many they really have to go through. Literally anyone can send their case in if they feel as though a lower court made the wrong decision. That means these justices are dealing with thousands of ca

Top 5 news sources

 My first and primary news station would have to be Fox News. This station is well run, and continuously just talks about the actual facts at hand. The website is easy to navigate with many photos and videos making it a personal experience. The web page also features a live station so people never have to miss out! My next news source is The Daily Wire. This a experimental and brand new news station that I believe is amazing. This company focuses again on just putting out the facts but even better than Fox. Fox can definitely be biased, and it can be seen. Yet with Daily Wire I feel they just genuinely want people to know the important facts. The next most used news station would have to be MSNBC. In all honesty I rarely ever look at them because I find my news out through these other too, but when using MSNBC I have only enjoyed my time. They yet again seem like a trustworthy station that really just wants to let their pu

Harrison Blog

Hello! My name is Harrison Page, and I am currently a student at High Point University. I am from and currently live in Guilford, Connecticut. At High Point I study strategic communications with a focus in marketing, and I plan to utilize this at my father's store.  While at HPU I have the goal of soaking up all the information I can, and make an after college plan. While here at High Point I have loved meeting the new people and getting out of my comfort zone. Recently I have been my fraternities recruitment chair. This was a big obligation, yet one that I have enjoyed very much.  After school I hope to be able to travel, while being able to work from my computer. I have always had the goal of going to every state, and believe after school is the perfect time to. My favorite food has to be lobster so the first stop will be Maine! Thank you for taking the time to read about me.