Eight values of free expression

 Prior to taking Media Law and Literacy I had never even heard of the "eight values of free expression."Yet this class has taught me them all, and I am glad to have learned them. Today I will be explaining the four values that I find to be the most important, these being (Discover of Truth), (Promote Tolerance), (Check on Governmental Power), and (Protect Dissent). I will start off with the discovery of truth, this is important to me because I would much rather have bad news than be lied to. I believe trust and integrity are two of the most important things. This was first brought to attention by John Milton. He said "when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple truth will win out." This resonated with myself because I honestly believe it and know its true. 

Promoting tolerance can mean a plethora of ideologies, yet the two that stuck with me were the fact that its trying to protect history. This really means that hate speech is protected under the first amendment, yet I don't see this as a problem. How would people ever learn from others mistakes then, and realize that its wrong. The more you tell people not to do things the more they will want to go and do those actions. I also immediately associated this with patient people, and I have always thought I have been patient. I worked for the Special Olympics for my entire High School career, and it taught me patience and understanding. 

Checking on governmental power is crucially important and I believe to be the most important. This is what our government has been built on making it so no branch can take control. I am almost positive the name Edward Snowden will resonate with any American. This is the man who worked for the NSA in Honolulu Hawaii, and blew the whistle on what our government was doing worldwide. The US government was spying on everyone illegally assessing cameras and turning them on when people did not know. This is exactly why governmental powers need to have checks and balances. 

Lastly and one of the most important as well has to be protect dissent. This basically means that a person cannot get in trouble for disagreeing with the government. This gives the right and occupation to the people to call out government and criticize them when they're in the wrong. One of the many rights as an American is freedom of speech.... its actually the first, making it more crazy that during the first World War people were getting arrested for speaking out about the war. This can even relate back to Snowden the US government tried to say that they need to arrest him because it was a breach in federal privacy, yet seems to me it was a breach in ours. He tried speaking up against the government, and got punished for it. Nothing really seems to change huh? 

To conclude I am glad this class brought me these because it has broaden my sense of the government when thinking through history. 




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