Carrier Pigeon

 Many people have heard of the infamous carrier pigeon, but today I will be teaching anyone reading this about them. In short the carrier pigeon is a bird meant to take notes and messages to other places for easy and quick communication. This also enabled the communication between the two to be totally hidden. 

The carrier pigeon or homing pigeon dates all the way back to Julius Caesar, and thats really where it gets the start. Caesar receives news from the carrier pigeon stating that the Romans had won. For the next thousands of years the world can see the homing pigeon, and how well it connected people especially militarily. Even Genghis Khan used these pigeons. His empire was so massive he set up pigeon relay posts all through Europe and Asia. Yet the homing pigeon really earned their wings in 1870, at the siege of Paris. As the French are stuck trying to wait out the siege they were also able to call for reinforcements with hundreds of pigeons being sent out. These pigeons through history have caused problems for attackers or armies with none so the falcon was also bred. These birds only goal was to take out the homing pigeons. 

The homing pigeon has been breed over years, and riddled down to its most usable traits. The Romans made racing pigeons to start but quickly recognized the birds acute sense of direction. The homing pigeon through the years was able to sense vibrations and magnetic pulses finding its way to the next stop. The pigeons are brought in cages or worn, and always fly home. 
Homing pigeons have been used for centuries and it is clear why. These birds are fast and loyal changing the way militarys communicated. These birds have even been used in the Vietnam War. This is because it is truly a hidden message. Firstly it would be hard to get a hold of the message but secondly even if the enemy did the message will be encoded making it that more difficult to find out what their saying. This changed communication on the battle field because you now had to ask yourself do I want my enemy to have a chance knowing this or should a pigeon just be sent. Pigeon teams through World War II were used and it makes perfect sense. The spy team doing recon now doesnt have to wear a large radio slowing him down but a pigeon strapped to his chest. 
The carrier pigeon was the perfect tool for recon work, and revolutionized war. The pigeon also nowadays is making a comeback. Recently gangs and cartels have been found using carrier pigeons to get messages sent back and forth undetected. It is truly amazing to see such an old form of communication dominate the world for so long die off and come back. 


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