Top 5 news sources

 My first and primary news station would have to be Fox News. This station is well run, and continuously just talks about the actual facts at hand. The website is easy to navigate with many photos and videos making it a personal experience. The web page also features a live station so people never have to miss out!

My next news source is The Daily Wire. This a experimental and brand new news station that I believe is amazing. This company focuses again on just putting out the facts but even better than Fox. Fox can definitely be biased, and it can be seen. Yet with Daily Wire I feel they just genuinely want people to know the important facts.

The next most used news station would have to be MSNBC. In all honesty I rarely ever look at them because I find my news out through these other too, but when using MSNBC I have only enjoyed my time. They yet again seem like a trustworthy station that really just wants to let their publics know what is happening in the world.

My next main news source would have to be Blaze Media. Blaze Media is perfect for a lot of people because it focuses on just the news. This platform I believe is the best at this, and can really lead people into the future by not caring for the political agenda.

Lastly and finally I would like to highlight an Instagram page. This content creator is The_Typical_Liberal, and hes focused on mainly republican news and news that people who lean this way will be more fond of. Yet this is my one complaint I believe this station could be more effective if they sat on a fence and just reported facts. By doing this it could draw the attention from the other news stations leaning people more towards there views. 



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